The Tees Link footpath starts/ends here and connects the Cleveland Way with the Teesdale Way
The Tees Link footpath starts/ends here and connects the Cleveland Way with the Teesdale Way
The Anish Kapoor sculpture Temenos is nearing completion
A few facts a figures on the scupture.
The original tower was built by John Middleton in 1847, only three sides of the clock tower have a face because they were erected by subscription and its said the businesses on the blank side didn’t want their workers clockwatching.
After numerous redesigns of the docks, the current tower is said to date from around 1870, it doubled as a water tower to maintaining water pressure in the dock gates.
At the beginning of the ‘Boro Brick Road’ outside the Riverside Stadium are a series of bricks to commemorate the 8 Middlesbrough players killed in both World Wars.
Their full stories can be read here
The Farnsdale mines operated between 1873 and 1897 under the Blakey Iron Company and later the Farndale Iron Company.
An incline can be followed down to the location from the railway line up at Blakey Junction.
At the bottom of the incline, a tramway ran along the hillside at the level of the ironstone
Most of the remains are obscured by subsequent rock falls, but one small drift is still visible.
At this point the railway link to the Rosedale mines passed under the road.
A cutting can be seen approching the now blocked bridge, with a junction in the left of the photo leading off to the Blakey / Farndale mines.
A row of cottages were also present at this junction but have since been demolished.
I have marked the original location of the Grangetown Power Station built by the Cleveland and Durham Electric Company in 1906 which worked until 1937 and was finally demolished in 1969 to make way for the new steel plant. It was the first in the world to generate at 11,000 volts.
The current position of the date stone and plaque is elsewhere within the Corus site, so cannot be visited by the public.