Lealholm Phantom Jet Crash – 27th April 1979

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A Phantom jet based at the major USAF base at Alconbury crashed in Lealholm at 09:40 on 27th April 1979.
This plaque is at the point the jet crossed the road before disintergrating and killing the Pilot – Major Donald Lee Schuyler and Navigator – Lt Thomas Wheeler

Lealholm Phantom Crash 27th April 1979

Full details of the crash can be found at Aircraft Accidents In Yorkshire

Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds – Lealholm

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Long before any state benefits, friendly societies existed to help families financially during times of illness or death in return for a monthly payment. The plaque is above the door of the Shepherds Hall which dates from 1873 (now a tea room)

The branch (No. 1343) was actually established in 1861Loyal Order of the Ancient Shepherds - Lealholm

They still exist today as the Shepherds Friendly Society, offering savings and insurance.

Stead Memorial Hospital, Redcar

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Metallurgist John Edward Stead bequeathed his home ‘Everdon’ to Redcar Borough Council in 1923 and it opened as the Stead Memorial Hospital on 26th July 1929 (plaque is dated 1928)
Stead Hospital Plaques

It was extended and altered over the years, but the original house was still visible.

The plaque below marked wards added in 1954 and opened by the Bishop of Whitby, Rev W H Baddeley
Stead Hospital Plaques

A further refurbishment opened in June 1991
Stead Hospital Plaques, Redcar
It closed in 2010 when a new hospital was built and was demolished 2013

The staircase is currently for sale from an architectural salvage company

Redcar Blast Furnace Reline – 2000

I’ve been hanging onto these photos for over 15 years, I didn’t work directly on the reline project, but set up a database which held documents and photos for them.

Now that the database and the blast furnace are gone, hopefully there should be no issue with me sharing them.

Hope it brings back memories of happier times in the steel industry and would love to hear from anyone pictured.

Redcar Blast Furnace Reline - 2000
Redcar Blast Furnace Reline - 2000
Redcar Blast Furnace Reline - 2000
Redcar Blast Furnace Reline - 2000
Redcar Blast Furnace Reline - 2000
Redcar Blast Furnace Reline - 2000

Full album of 49 photos below :-

Redcar Blast Furnace Reline 2000

I’ve always wondered why the guy at the end appears to be photoshopped in.
Redcar Blast Furnace Reline - 2000

TC Armitage Ghostsign, Shildon

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This photo was sent to me by Aaron late last year, from Maddison Street / Station Street Shildon.
TC Armitage Ghostsign. Shildon
T.C. Armitage.
Radios, Appliances, Electrical Components, Lamps, Fancyware, Toys, Bags, Crockery, Rugs, Mats, General Hardware Dealer, Paraffin.

I suspect it might be gone soon (if not already) as part of the building is already a house and windows have been installed.

Back in 2009 the whole lot was a shell and still had a shop front.


Old Posters / Ghostsigns / Lobster Hotel Redcar

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These old advertisement have been revealed by the removal of a billboard near the Lobster Hotel.
Redcar Old Poster, Ghostsign

The Benson and Hedges poster is fairly obvious, but what about the one on the left ?
Redcar Old Poster, Ghostsign
Someone serving bread rolls in a uniform, but what for ? Flights or Railways ? 1980s ?
What looks like “Darlington to” in text made me think trains, but the logo doesn’t look like a British Rail one.

Can anyone identify it ?: