The Three Windmills of Redcar

I have previously posted about both Redcar and Coatham Windmill, generally regarded to have had six and four sails respectively.

This photo of Redcar mill is the only one that seems to be in general circulation, sadly no sails were present at this time.
Recently Ian Weber has suggested to me that the photo widely regarded to be Coatham Windmill could also be Redcar.
His suggestion is that a similar wall with buttresses at the bottom of the photo seems to still exist today ?

Whilst it does look very similar, the argument against this is the two white brick chimneys visible in the background of that same photo (a block of 8 and block of 4) which match those still to be seen on Station Road today.wb

Let us now turn out attention to a series of old etchings which show the windmills. If we’re looking west at the back of St Peters then the six sail mill is in Redcar to the right and the four sail mill, although appearing close is actually in the distance in Coatham.

Early Redcar

This 1836 view east at the tower end of St Peters, shows the six sail mill near to the church as expected.Etching of 1836
A similar view looking south-east from the seafront, again shows the six sail mill very clearly.
South East View CD

But finally just to throw a seed of doubt, this 1840 etching appears to show two mills with six sails !Redcar 1840s

So what of the third windmill ?
It stood near Marsh House Farm at Warrenby and was destroyed by fire in 1815.

Dancing Stone, Danby Dale

Some weeks ago I posted photos of what I believed to be the Dancing Stone which i’ve since found to be incorrect, it was the Hanging Stone.
Peter Mernagh has kindly provided the following photos of the correct location.
_MG_0106 copy
_MG_0113 copy
_MG_0143 copy
They clearly show the carving by John Castilo with the words “Neu Hees Deead” (Now he’s dead) added afterwards that I was unable to locate (because I was not in the right place)
_MG_0076 copy

Low Farndale Methodist Chapel.

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Apologies for the lack of posts recently, the site is not dead, work has just become very busy.
Methodist Chapel, Low Mill, Farndale
Two Methodist Chapels existed in Farndale, this is the one at Low Mill, the walls contain a great many memorials.
Methodist Chapel, Low Mill, FarndaleMethodist Chapel, Low Mill, FarndaleMethodist Chapel, Low Mill, Farndale

Methodist Chapel, Low Mill, Farndale

This old photo from August 27 1926 shows a celebration of an anniversary of Low Farndale Methodist Chapel (which anniversary is unclear currently)


Planning permission records suggest it became a private home around 1984.

Skinningrove Mine Water Treatment

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A series of concrete tanks were installed around the year 2000 with high surface area plastic media filtering the mine water, and ochre sludge is collected in the two-metre deep tanks.

Skinningrove Mine Water Treatment

Some of the plastic filters can be seen discarded by the side.

Skinningrove Mine Water Treatment

But the maintenance problems associated with the tanks and media becoming clogged were not initially appreciated and it no longer operates, with the beck still being stained by mine water.


Skinningrove Mine Water Treatment


Gillamoor Sundial

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Gillamoor Sundial was erected August 27th 1800 by John Russell.
Gillamoor Sundial
Gillamoor Sundial
The lower cylinder is inscribed “ERECTED BY SUBSCRIPTION”.
Sloped cap of cylinder carries a Time Equation table.
Gillamoor Sundial
Gillamoor Sundial
Gillamoor Sundial
Gillamoor Sundial
Cube has east and west meridian dials carved on east and west faces, and north and south vertical direct dials to north and south faces.North face also inscribed with name and date: “J Russell Sculpit, August 27th, AD MDCCC”.
Gillamoor Sundial
Gillamoor Sundial
Gillamoor Sundial
Gillamoor Sundial