Preston School, Stokesley 1832

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Preston Grammar School in Stokesley dates 1832
Preston School, Stokesley 1832
John Preston was a local attorney who died in 1814 leaving £2000 to establish a school, however a long a protracted legal battle followed about other parts of the will.
Preston School, Stokesley
The school was opened in 1832 by Archdeacon Harcourt with Rev T Todd appointed as headmaster
Preston School, Stokesley 1832

It remained a school until 1908 and is now the first time a pizza shop has appeared on this website.

Stockton & Darlington Railway Sign, Nunthorpe

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Nunthorpe railway station was originally on the Stockton & Darlington Railway Middlesbrough to Guisborough line.
Nunthorpe Railway Station
The line opened in 11 November 1853 as a freight line for the Hutton Ironstone mines near Guisborough.
Nunthorpe Railway Station
The passenger station was not opened until February 1854, all properties on this line owned by the company carried a “B” number

Grey Towers, Nunthorpe

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Grey Towers was built between 1865 and 1867 for the ironmaster William Randolph
Hopkins, the designer was John Ross of Darlington. Its unsual colour is due to the whinstone used in its construction.
Grey Towers, Nunthorpe
Hopkins, Gilkes and Co were ruined due to their part in the Tay Bridge Disaster and the house went on the market in 1879 for £30,000 but remained unsold.
It became the home of Sir Arthur Dorman, founder of Dorman Long between 1895-1931. After Dormans death the house was bought by Sir Thomas Gibson Poole as the site for Middlesbroughs tuberculosis sanatorium, however due to the 2nd World War it was not completed until 1945.
Grey Towers, Nunthorpe
After the closure of the Poole Hospital in 1989 the house became a target for vandals but has since been converted into apartments

Stainton Memorial Hall 1844

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This building originally opened as a ‘Nation School‘ in 1844 which cost sixpence a week.
Stainton Memorial Hall 1844
It closed in 1878 when a free school opened and then became a reading room.
Stainton Memorial Hall 1844
It was extended in 1922 to become the Village Hall and War Memoral.
Stainton Memorial Hall 1844

It remains in use to this day and carries possibly one of the most out-lying of Middlesbroughs Heritage plaques.