This plate belonged to 10 ton single cylinder road roller built in 1888 which was dispatched new to Kirkleatham Urban District Council and later owned by Redcar Urban District Council.
This company advert from the same year of 1888 may give an idea of what it looked like.
1888 advert.
The only local photo I know which features a traction engine is this one from road laying at Lazenby, so there’s a very slim chance it could be the same engine.
At some point later in its life it was sent to Bomford & Evershed who were an agricultural machinery manufacturer and contractor based in Warwickshire, they formed in 1904 so it must be after than date, it was scrapped in the late 1930s
Many thanks to Stewart Ramsdale for highlighting this item when it recently surfaced at an auction house in Evesham, Worcestershire
Much has been written over the years about deaths and rescue on the sea at Redcar, but this one from 1824 seems to have been forgotten perhaps, despite seven men being killed in one day and a major public appeal for their families. With the deaths being in 1824 before the completion of St Peters in Redcar, they were buried in St Germains at Marske rather than Redcar.
Those killed were George Robinson and his two sons Christopher and Thomas Robinson. Thomas Hall and his two sons George and Richard Hall. William Guy (but not the same one who was killed in a rescue on 25 December 1836, nearly 12 years to the day later)
Yorkshire Gazette – Saturday 01 January 1825Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser – Tuesday 04 January 1825.Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser – Tuesday 04 January 1825.George ROBINSON and his 2 sons Christopher and Thomas died 22 Dec 1824 aged 57, 24, and 17, his wife Ruth died 10 Jan 1840 aged 73, their daughter Ruth aged 3.Burial records from 1824, three of the men listed as drowned out of fishing cobles.Donations by mid February
£1000 in 1824 is roughly the equivalent of £100,000 today so the public appeal had a high profile with donations from various Earls and Knights
When I saw scaffolding going up on this building I feared the sign, which apparently dated from the opening of the bus station in 1938, might be about to be lost.
Travel by Road to York, Doncaster or London by United. Luxury coach services by day or night.
As of today it seems to have been painted over. If I was the developer I would have painted it back on brand new as a feature !
This piece of grafitti is something I saw mentioned on Facebook getting on for 7 years ago, and I never managed to find it. Then by total chance in lockdown I found it !
It;s getting extremely hard to read as the tree has aged, but says “Polish Forces 194?”
Facebook comments from a resident many years ago said :- there used to be an extensive camp at Dunsdale which was still visible when I was a kid. The Polish army was stationed there and they carved that beech tree.
With just two rows of ironstone miners cottages in Dunsdale, I thought it would be straightforward to track all of the names down, but it’s never that simple. I would love to hear from anyone who has already done any investigation into the memorial or men named.
1939-1945 Herbert Gazzard, Harold Husband, Charles Wilfred Moore, William Moore, Reginald Shaw, Norman Edwin Weighell, James Bennington Wilkin
Memorial in 2020
William Henry Boyes – In 1911 lived at 14 Redcar Road, Dunsdale and was a Horse Driver (presumably in the ironstone mine with his father and brother)
He served with the 1st Gordon Highlanders and died on 28/12/1914, his name can be found on the Menin Gate with 54000 others with no known grave.
In 1911 John George Gazzard was a 14 year old living at 9 Redcar Road
His military record suggests he was discharged on 16/3/1919, however his death was registered in Guisborough in July 1919, so its unclear what happened here, perhaps he died from war related injuries or illness ?
On the 1911 Census the Goody family are living at 9 New Row. However 14-year old Wilfred Thomas Goody is listed as an ‘Inmate’ at Kirkleatham Hospital.
Wildred was in the Durham Light Infantry and was awarded the British War Medal and Victory Medal and 1914-1915 Star.
He was also discharged, in Februrary 1917, but again died a few months later around July 1917. His service record suggests he had health problem with diabetes.
John William Wilson was a 14 year old grocers errand boy living at 8 New Row in 1911 (next door to the Goodys and the same age as Wilfred)
He served with the Machine Gun Corp and died of malaria in Alexandria, Egypt on 15/10/1918. He is buried in Hadra War Memorial Cemetery in Alexandria.
Death certificate John William Wilson
Herbert William Windross was a 12 year old living at 19 New Row in 1911
Herbert served with the Royal Scots and died in Germany 18/07/1918, buried in Cologne. His death certificate lists him as a P.O.W. and a miner.
Private Herbert William Windross. 271234. 15th Battalion Royal Scots, formerly 3518 the Yorkshire Regiment. Son of Mr. H. W. Windross, of 19, New Row, Dunsdale, Guisborough, Yorks. Killed 18 July 1918. Aged 19.Death Certificate Herbert William Windross
Herbert Gazzard is the younger brother of John George Gazzard, the family were still living at 9 New Row in 1939.
Harold Husband served with the 4th Bn.Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment) he died between 29/05/1940 and 30/05/1940. Buried in Marquise Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France
The Moore Family lived at Dunsdale Lodge in 1939
William Moore died on 17/01/1941 and is buried in the Freetown King Tom Cemetery, Sierra Leone
Died on HMHS Oxfordshire (Hospital Ship)
Charles Wilfred Moore served with the 83 Field Regt. Royal Artillery and died on 13/10/1944.He is buried at the Uden War Cemetery. Charles had left Dunsdale by this point, but his parents were living at 17 New Row in 1939.
Reginald Shaw served with the Pioneer Corps and died 19/11/1942, he is buried in Guisborough Cemetery.
Reginald Shaw grave, Guisborough
The Weighell family lived at 26 Redcar Road in 1939, Norman Edwin Weighell served with the 78 Sqdn. Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, he died 27/09/1943 in a raid on Hanover in Halifax JD416, he is buried in Hanover War Cemetery.
The Wilkin Family lived at 10 New Row in 1939. James Bennington Wilkin served with the 4th Bn. Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment) he died on 29/05/1940 and is buried in the Totes Cemetery in Seine-Maritime, France.
The war memorial in original location outside Methodist Chapel – Paula Miller Collection
Peter Morgan replied to my previous about The Three Windmills of Redcar with the following notes that I felt needed their own post. I also recently found the graves of two members of the Coulson family at Kirkleatham.
Major source of data is from John Harrison’s book “Eight Centuries of Milling in North East Yorkshire†A monumental work which is the definitive authority on mills throughout the area.
KIRKLEATHAM MILL Post Mill on fields above Yearby village. In 1340 a wind mill at Kirkleatham valued at £4 per annum. Shown in engraving of 1700.
COATHAM (WEST) – Post mill near TODDS POINT – This was the Medieval Mill. Ruinous in 1340 & 1367.It was either rebuilt or replaced as in 1535 Prior was receiving £20-14s. “from Cottum with wind mill thereâ€. Worth £2 in 1613 – ex-Monastic lands. Guisborough 1540. References in gift of Salt Pans to Guisborough Priory by Wiliam de Tockotes. Shown on estate plans etc. 1347 – Reference in CHANCERY ROLLS relating to complaint that the “miller of West Cothm†with others had taken timber washed ashore which was rightfully the property of the Lord of Mulgrave.
COATHAM (MARSH HOUSE) TOWER MILL with granaries – built before 1740 burnt down 1815. Coatham was a port – the Turner family were exporting flour to Newcastle & London.
S28 (from Peter Verrill’s “Old Recar†Preasentation)
COATHAM WINDMILL (West Coatham) Pre. 1832. It stood behind the Primitive Methodist Church, Station rd, near the junction of Station & Coatham rd. The precise age of the windmill is unknown but it is certain that it was in existence before 1840. Originally it was fitted with a huge pair of sails, and in conjunction with Redcar mill it served a very large area of Cleveland. In the later half of the 19th cent the sails of the mill were taken down, the building fell into disuse & the upper storeys became a refuge for pigeons. Later the structure became incorporated with the adjoining church buildings & the tower was used as an observatory by one of the ministers, Mr. Franks, who was an amateur astronomer. During World War 1, the government made use of the tower as an observation post & built an additional room on top for this purpose. When the local Methodists built the church, it was designed round the windmill, with the chapel upstairs & shops on the ground floor. Eventually it became the dole office. The chapel shops and the remains of the windmill were demolished in 1964 when the United Reform Church Hall was built. A small part of the windmill was retained & built into the walls of the new buildings.
COATHAM MILL and GRANARIES, below Stockton, situated at the mouth of the River Tees, where vessels may load and unload at all seasons of the year. JAMES DAVISON respectfully acquaints His Friends and the Public, that he house entered on to the above premises, where he intends carrying on the Flour and Meal business in all its branches, and flatters himself, but by his unremitting attention, he shall be able to supply with the best qualities, and on the most reasonable terms. Choir is miners themselves all kind of grain, bacon, butter, cheese &c. on commission. Orders will be punctually attended to, and ever gratefully acknowledge – 13th December 1805.
1825 November 5th THE YORK HERALD THE REDCAR LIFEBOAT, in the year 1822, was found in so dilapidated a state, that it was thought necessary for her to undergo a thorough repair; and under the inspection of Mr Charles Tenant, she was completely repaired and made seaworthy, and was afterwards resigned into the hands of Mr Thomas King, of Kirkleatham, as acting manager, under a Committee of the principal gentleman of Cleveland, who now think it his duty to lay before the committee and subscribers at large, a true statement of the Receipts and Disbursements since he has had the management of the above boat. Amongst the following list is:- Mr Robert Coulson, Coatham Mill.
1843 March 1st CLEVELAND REPORTER DEATHS:- On Thursday the 9th ult, aged 14, William, the youngest son of Robert Coulson, of Coatham Mill.
1865 January 16th THE LEEDS MERCURY TO MILLERS.- Wanted immediately and experienced MILLER as Foreman. The particulars apply to Mr Robert Coulson, Coatham Windmill, Redcar, Yorkshire.
1868 December 5th THE YORK HERALD
TO BE LET, With Immediate Possession, all that CORN WIND MILL, with DWELLING – HOUSE, GRANARY, STABLE, CART HOUSE, and other outbuildings situated within a few yards of Redcar Railway Station, in the County of York, where an extensive business has been carried on the for upwards of 40 years by the late MR ROBERT COULSON. For particulars, apply to Mr Coulson, Coatham Mill, Redcar.
1869 September 4th THE YORK HERALD DISTRICT NEWS – POLICE-COURT…….. -Henry Holmes, occupier of the mill at Coatham, was summoned by Robert Coulson, his landlord, for an assault on Saturday night. It appears that there had been some difference of opinion between the parties as to the state of defendants premises, and a person named Tomlinson was called in to inspect the drains. Mr Holmes afterwards invited Tomlinson to inspect his house, and ordered the complainant to keep out of the door. Mr Coulson persisted in following them upstairs, and in the attempts of defendants to prevent him, the assault was committed. The Bench dismissed the case. A “scrimmage†ensued between the parties for possession of a paper in the hands of Mr Lloyd who appeared for the complainant, and resulted in the lease being torn in two. Defendant afterwards apologised for his conduct, and was remitted, with his son, to the custody of the police until the business of the court was ended
1873 January 24th Accreditation “The Redcar & Saltburn Newsâ€. – Accident at COATHAM MILL On Monday morning last a little boy, 2 ½ years of age, son of Mr. Dowson, miller, went up into the mill to call his father to dinner, As he did not return as was expected an elder brother went to look for him, and found him frightfully injured. It would appear that the child had been playing with a stick, and lost it in the “hopper,†and in trying to get it he was pulled into the machinery and was found with his thigh and knee joint broken. Dr. Bennett was in prompt attendance, and found the child in great suffering from the shock as well as from the injuries he had sustained, On Wednesday the child was sufficiently recovered to enable him to be removed, when he was sent to the Cottage Hospital, North Ormesby
1876 December 18th NORTHERN ECHO WANTED a respectable GENERAL SERVANT. – Apply to Mrs Dowson, Coatham mill, Redcar.
S29 (from Peter Verrill’s “Old Recar†Presentation ) REDCAR WINDMILL Described as newly erected when advertised to be sold in 1838 This 6 sailed windmill consisted of 7 floors with associated granary & drying kiln, a large house & stables, a walled garden & 3 acres of rich grassland. For a time in the 1830’s the mill was owned by Stephen Coulson, whose brother Robert owned Coatham mill. a small portion of sandstone wall adjacent to 194 High street is all that remains of Redcar mill granary
1834 February 9th THE EXAMINER BRITISH COLLEGE of HEALTH, NEW ROAD, KING’S CROSS, LONDON. DISPERSION OF A LARGE TUMOUR UNDER LEFT ARM. TO MESSRS. MORRIS AND MOAT. Gentleman -on serving in 2 late numbers of the †New Weekly Dispatch†2 or 3 scurrilous letters directed against the British College Of Health, and the Universal Medicines, I feel it a duty incumbent on me to declare to the world that those medicines (which Dr Badcock, Medicus, and I.F.C. has been pleased to announce as dangerous, and not possessing the qualities ascribed to them by the proprietors) have totally dispersed a large hard tumour under my left jaw, of 30 years standing, after having had the advice of many (thought to be) eminent M.D.’s of the old school, to no good purpose …………………………………………….(another 50 lines!) ………………….. wishing you prosperity, and the enjoyment of a long life, for your philanthropic endeavours to reform the medical art, I am, Gentlemen, your very sincerely, STEPHEN COULSON, Redcar Mill, Yorkshire, December 22, 1833
1838 June 16th YORK HERALD REDCAR. ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on TUESDAY the 19th day of June 1838, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, at the house of Mr MARSH, the Cock Inn, in Guisbrough, (Mr WILLIAM SANDERS, Auctioneer,) all that newly erected and excellent WIND CORN MILL, containing 7 floors, 3 pairs of French stones, one cylinder, Bolting Mill, and although the requisite machinery of the most modern construction, together with the newly built capacious Granary, and Drying Kiln attached and communicating therewith. The Granary is capable of containing 100 Lasts of Wheat. Also, all that recently built MESSUAGE or DWELLING HOUSE, adjoining to the mill and premises, containing, on the ground floor, a Dining Room and 3 Lodging Rooms; in the Attics, 2 Servants’ Lodgings Rooms, lighted by tilted windows; attached to the premises are a Coach House and Stables, and an excellent Walled Garden. And also, all that CLOSE, or PARCEL of rich GRASSLAND, lying immediately behind and to the south of the above premises, containing 3 acres, or thereabouts. The Mill being situate in the most productive agricultural part of Cleveland, is well adapted for carrying on an extensive business, and goods may be conveniently shipped on the coast, at a slight expense. The whole of the property is Freehold, and is situate in the Parish of Kirkleatham, in the County of York. There is a most extensive and and uninterrupted sea view from the Dwelling House, which, on its contiguity to the fashionable Bathing Place of Redcar, commands respectable Lodgers during the Season. A Right of Common on Coatham Green belongs to the Property. MR COULSON, the Owner and Occupier, will show the premises; and further particulars may be known on application to Mr HARTAS, of Danby; Mr DIXON, of Guisbrough; or at the office of PALMER, WHETHERILL, and JACKSON, Guisbrough and Stokesley. N.B. £1000 may remain as security of the Premises, if required.
1870 April 22nd NORTHERN ECHO TO MILLERS – VALUABLE WIND CORN MILL TO LET AT REDCAR.- The mill is 6 stories high, averaging 8 feet each, strikes the cloth, turns to the wind by a fan, and contains 2 pairs of excellent French millstones, one machine for dressing flour, and a new Corn Screen. Attached to the mill is a dwelling-house, containing 5 rooms, with every other convenience, and out offices. Maybe entered partner at Mayday next. — For further particulars apply to Mr HENRY HARRISON, the owner, Redcar; or to Mr JOHN COULSON, Cleveland Hotel, Coatham. Redcar, April 20, 1870.