10 thoughts on “Get Updates

  1. Just found this site via the Teesaurus Park story on the BBC – added you to my RSS feeder – love it!

    Keep up the good work. I live in Atlanta, GA and it’s great to be able to virtually visit home every day with great sites like yours.

    Guy Bailey

  2. This site is fascinating. Thanks. It encouraged me to visit South Gare with my camera this afternoon. I’d intended to spend half an hour there, but stayed for six hours.

  3. Hi I have visited your site on a number of occasions and found it fascinating but I have noticed that there is no rider to say who did what,when and why.For example the refurbishment of the Boer War memorial in Redcar Cemetery was financed entirely by the Friends of Redcar Cemetery a small voluntary group who look after Redcar cemetery as was the ‘Tulip Tree’. Any publicity for our group would be welcome.We are currently raising money to refurbish memorials from WW1 that have not stood the test of time.Cheers Ged Fleming Chairman Friends of Redcar Cemetery

  4. Thank you to all the people who keep up this site – its great. I live in Canada and enjoy learning about all the hidden treasures in the area. My partner is from the area and it is a fun (and cheap) way to revisit his childhood 🙂

  5. hi when i was a kid my nan told me a german plane crashed up on the hills at gouisborugh ans she seen the 2 pilots dead, years later after my nan sadly past away i asked her sister about it and she said yeas a german plane did crash at the top of the hills at guisborough,but i can not find anything about this plane. also my brother found a 2o or 50 cal bullet in the sea at redcar and some fisherman have pulled bit of aluminium witch could only be a plane but again can not find anything, woundering if you could shed any light on this, and last one people say they is sub ww2 at skinnygrove but never heard about that before,many thanks for reading this and hole you can understand my spelling, wayne

    • Having read your report about this German plane that crashed on Eston hills as aa youngster I saw this aircraft at Neashams Garage in Linthorpe rd near Albert park. Evidently the owner arranged for this to be transported to allow people to see it for sixpence !I remember to this day the smell of aircraft fuel and the head rest which was sponge being severely burnt .I trust this has added to your story .Barry Young( 86)

  6. Dear Wayne, The story goes that in the 2nd WW our Spitfires chased the German bombers over the Cleveland Hills before shooting them down. There are several graves of German fliers in Thornaby Cemetery.

  7. ‘Nazi Losses May Be 10,000 Planes’ – this was a headline in the Newcastle Journal published on Saturday 24th May 1941. Unfortunately I cannot retrieve the full article at the moment but the clip below relates to Eston Council plans to pay for the constuction of 2 fighter planes and 2 bombers.

    … “area (Cleveland) War Weapons Week opens to-dov, and the cost of two bombers and two fighters is the target. Councillor P. McPartlan, chairman of the organising committee in his message to the people declares; “Our aim is £50.000. and I feel sure that both …”

  8. Big Fern Deep and Little Fern Deep Gt. Ayton. While at school at Ayton in the 1950`s, we used to visit these two places in the valley between Cooks and Roseberry. I would be interested to know more about these two rather spookey places.

  9. Trying to find out about RAOC battalion stationed at Brockley Hall Saltburn during WW2 which provided rations, ammunition to various implacements in the area – my father was there in 1944, so keen to find out anything of interest

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